International Priority Graduate Program on Applied and Engineering Physics, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University will open MEXT scholarship program of Master’s program for OCT2023 admission.

【Download Link for Application Guidelines and Form】

International Priority Graduate Program on “Applied and Engineering Physics” for Japanese Government(MEXT) Scholarship Graduate School of Engineering, OSAKA University.

- Admission Month and Year: October 2023

- Admission Quota: 2 (Master Course only)

- Application Period: 14-30November, 2022

【Application Procedure】

(1) Please post all required original application documents in the guidelines by postal mail delivery to Student Support Affairs Section in Osaka University(refer to the guidelines). Documents arrival in Osaka University must be by 30November,2022.

(2) Additionally, please send all application documents data to AEP support office 'This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.' by e-mail.

【Important Notice】

* Please find your preferred(prospective) supervisors and contact a first preferred professor.

* If your preferred supervisor in Osaka University is in Department of Applied Physics, you are also required to apply for “Applied and Engineering Physics” program as a privately financed student in addition to this MEXT application. Please check the condition detail with a prospective supervisor in Applied Physics Department.

* If your preferred supervisor in Osaka University is in Department of Precision Engineering, please apply for this MEXT scholarship program only.

* Postal delivery submission to Student Support Affairs Section is an official submission. We recommend using a reliable postal mail delivery service not to lose on the way.

* Please note that a data submission via e-mail to AEP support office is not an official application submission. it will be treated as a supplemental information to AEP course.

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Địa chỉ: Khu II, đường 3/2, p. Xuân Khánh, q. Ninh Kiều, TP. Cần Thơ
Số điện thoại: 0292.3872.091