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Within the framework of the MOMA project, on May 05th of 2019, Can Tho University organized the Natural Science Open Day at Vinh Xuan High School, one of the most remote high schools in Tra On district, Vinh Long province.  

Road to Vinh Xuan High School

Opening ceremony

Exchanging souvenir between the Dean of College of Natural Sciences and Principal of Vinh Xuan High School

The Natural Science Open Day is designed to gather and demonstrate, in a funny and interesting way, basic knowledge in the fields of Physics, Chemistry and Biology which have been teaching at high school in order to make it easier for participants to find out more about natural science.

Performing and explaining experiments on Electric, Optic and Mechanic

Over four hundred high school pupils excitingly participated in the event. Many interesting experiments in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology were designed and offerred to pupils through the event. Pupils had the opportunity to learn and understand more about Physics, Chemistry and Biology, asked questions, spoke to lecturers, graduate and undergraduate students and carried out attractive experiments by themself.

Giving gift for pupils having the true answer

Physics staff members are performing funny physics experiments

Optical experiment performance

Making a fruit-power battery

Arranging and assembling facilities for performing Chemistry experiments

“The zombie snake” experiment

 “The elephant toothpaste” experiment

The “Colour Ladder” experiment

“The colours are funny” Experiment

Method of titration

Taking part in the experiment “Making a print based on photochemical reaction”

Experiencing in Chemistry experiments

Beautiful chemical crystals

Participating in the "Chemistry Color" minishow

Exploring Chemistry of Coca Cola beverage

Organization team

By offering practical work related to Physics, Chemistry and Biology, The Natural Science Open Day has motivated pupils by stimulating interest and enjoyment, teaching laboratory skills, enhancing the learning of scientific knowledge, giving insight into scientific method and developing expertise in using it and developing 'scientific attitudes', such as open-mindedness and objectivity.

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Khoa Khoa học Tự nhiên
Địa chỉ: Khu II, đường 3/2, p. Xuân Khánh, q. Ninh Kiều, TP. Cần Thơ
Số điện thoại: 0292.3872.091