Online Course: Nanostructured Materials
By College of Natural Scieneces, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam
From November 14th, 2020 to January 2nd, 2021
In the framework of the MOMA project, Can Tho University (CTU) has organized an online course “Nanostructured materials” taught by Prof. Michel de Jong from the University of Twente, the Netherlands. This course was built up for the third-year undergraduate students and master students of the Department of Physics and the Department of Chemistry at the College of Natural Sciences, Can Tho University. Besides, many scientific staffs from universities in Vietnam (Can Tho University, Ha Noi National University of Education, Quy Nhon University, Da Nang National University of Education, Nam Can Tho University, and Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy) also attended this source to update new knowledge and modern teaching methods related to nanostructured materials field.
The course gave a basic introduction on the chemical and physical principles in the synthesis of inorganic nanostructured materials. Especially, the course covered different synthetic methods including top-down and bottom-up as well as structural characterization methods of different nanostructured materials. In addition, the electronic and optical properties of the quantum wells and quantum dots in nanostructured materials were also introduced. The course was conducted based on online lecturing and problem based learning (PBL) assignments. Discussion section was organized after each lecture where participants gave presentation and discussion related to the assignments.
With a passion for Physics and Chemistry, and for the nanostructured materials field particularly, participants have overcome language barriers as well as difficulties of online learning to complete the course. The course excellently provided attendees with update, interesting and useful knowledge not only in the field of nanostructured materials but also modern materials sciences in general. Also, attended staffs from Vietnamese Universities got a good chance to experience modern teaching methodologies which would help them a lot in conducting lectures in the field of Physics and Chemistry.
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