List of articles in category News Tiêu đề Meeting with a delegation from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University - NYCU, Taiwan Meet Professors Jonathan Lindsey North Carolina State University, USA Meeting with professors from Ming Chi University, Taiwan The delegation from National Central University visits Can Tho University Meeting with professors from Kyoto University, Japan Meeting with professors from Chang Gung University, Taiwan Meeting with Prof. Khai– North Carolina State University Meeting with Prof. Dirk Springael – KU Leuven Welcome Professor Kaeko Kamei - Vice Director of Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) Meeting with the delegation of Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Thailand Meeting with Prof. Feng-Chuan Chuang and Prof. Pham Viet Phuong – National Sun Yat-Sen University Meeting with Prof. Reza Ghiladi – North Carolina State University Information about the delegation in Thailand Meeting with Prof. Alex Smirnov and Prof. Tatyana Smirnova – North Carolina State University The meeting with Delegates of National Central University Meeting with Dr. Kamolchanok Umnajkitikorn - Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Raschasima, Thailand Signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding Field Trip for Biodiversity Subject Graduation Ceremony for the academic year 2020-2021 Visiting Huong Duong orphanage Page 2 of 3 StartTrang trước123Trang sauEnd