Meeting with a delegation from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University - NYCU, Taiwan

On 25 May 2024, the college was honored to welcome a delegation from National Yang Ming

Chiao Tung University (NYCU), Taiwan to visit and work. The meeting had the presence Assoc.

Dr. Nguyen Thanh Tien, representative of the Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry,

along with undergraduate and graduate students.

During the meeting, the two sides exchanged opportunities for scientific research cooperation, 

master's and doctoral scholarship programs, student exchange programs, and short-term working

programs for lecturers. At the end of the session, the delegation interviewed candidates who wished

to apply for short-term internship programs and master's and doctoral scholarships at NYCU.

Some pictures of the meeting.


College of Natural Sciences - Can Tho University
Address: Campus II, 3/2 street, Ninh Kieu district, Can Tho city, Viet Nam
Tel: 0292.3872.091